Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Huxtables are going to the Whitehouse

The Huxtables are going to the Whitehouse!!! I'm sure everyone has seen Barbara Walters interview with the president-elect and his wife. The Obama's are the modern day Huxtables going to the Whitehouse. Their every move will be chronicled and dissected so they might as well be on TV just like Bill's famous family.
Remember the controversy when Cosby's show was on, that they weren't indicative of black families both were successful and their relationship was to cutesy and not real......well black folks knew all along that there were families that mirrored the Huxtables, that is, having two working parents and raising know a real honest to goodness black nuclear family.
The most important thing we found out from the interview is Barack won't be getting a little yappy-girlie dog!!! he is going to get a "Big Rambunctious" dog....translation "a manly dog!!!! too funny
One thing for me is; I get the sense that Barack believes in the adage "Lead By Example" that is good thing. We have had enough of the lazy-white-boy-peter-principle leadership.Hopefully that cycle is broken.
Let the Huxtables lead......................


  1. Just swinging through blog world to check you out.


    I went to UNC-Chapel Hill.

    I know all about Raleigh. I was down there when I-540 was being built and when I-40 was but a mere two lanes after the Durham Freeway interchange in RTP.

  2. Hi, thanks for dropping by. My daughter is a Carolina grad as well. During that time period I worked for the major telecommunications company at RTP.
    Once again Thanks.
